【発酵ソムリエ】東京・深川で味わう、自然と調和したワイン作り 〜深川ワイナリー訪問記〜


【発酵ソムリエ】東京・深川で味わう、自然と調和したワイン作り 〜深川ワイナリー訪問記〜

【発酵ソムリエ】東京・深川で味わう、自然と調和したワイン作り 〜深川ワイナリー訪問記〜


ホーム | 深川ワイナリー東京 (fukagawine.tokyo)





#発酵ソムリエ #深川ワイナリー #東京アクティビティ #青森スチューベン #醸造所見学

#Fermentationsommelier #FukagawaWinery #Tokyoactivities #AomoriSteuben #Brewerytour

Try taste! The Japanese wine!

I recently visited Fukagawa Winery in Fukagawa, Tokyo.
Away from the hustle and bustle of the city for a while, this place is filled with passion for winemaking, and wine is a “companion to daily life”.
Home | Fukagawa Winery Tokyo (fukagawine.tokyo)
Fukagawa Winery makes the most of the power of nature in its winemaking process, and basically uses the natural yeast found on grape skins.
The winemaking is based on a simple but profound belief that only when a wine seems to be going in the wrong direction, a casual hand is given to the wine.

Through social networking sites, wine enthusiasts can be seen gathering together, and the process of cleaning grape grapes is also open to the public.
The winery uses grapes from Aomori’s Steuben, Yamagata, Yamanashi, Nagano, and even Australia,
The winery focuses on bringing out the best of each grape’s individuality.
In order to bring out the best in each grape, elements that mask the characteristics of the grapes are eliminated to the greatest extent possible, and the use of additives is kept to a minimum.

The grapes and wines are carefully checked daily and analyzed for taste and aroma.
As a result, each wine has an honest and gentle taste. Furthermore, in a project with the nearby Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology,
They are also working on a unique initiative to submerge wine bottles in Tokyo Bay. (Same principle as aging in a cave in our card game).
Also, on the rooftop of Akafudado, a variety of grape varieties are grown to comply with the Designation of Origin system.

When I visited, I was able to enjoy tasting a variety of wines at 20 cc each, at a reasonable price of 200 yen per glass.
My time at Fukagawa Winery was a heartwarming experience that allowed me to feel connected to nature through wine. Why not visit?

#Fermentationsommelier #FukagawaWinery #Tokyoactivities #AomoriSteuben #Brewerytour


#Fermentationsommelier #FukagawaWinery #Tokyoactivities #AomoriSteuben #Brewerytour

In the middle of Tokyo... You can find the real winery.

#Fermentationsommelier #FukagawaWinery #Tokyoactivities #AomoriSteuben #Brewerytour

Some barrels are from Australia in Spring. It is opposite season in Down under.