
















 #水戸 #梅酒 #発酵ソムリエ #訪日外国人 #発酵カフェ


 #水戸 #梅酒 #発酵ソムリエ #訪日外国人 #発酵カフェ


Mito is more than just natto. Mito has become famous for its natto store that failed in a crowdfunding campaign, but we will be looking for the highlights of fermentation.


Besshunkan. The director of the company ran a marathon with a torch because he was a prominent figure in the community during last year’s Olympics. Before Covid19, they also had met a lot of non-Japanese tourists. Now, we were allowed to quietly listen to the explanation and taste the sake.


Originally a sake brewery making local sake (Japanese rice wine), it is also famous for having created Association Yeast No. 10. The sake is famous for its Vice Shogun, which is inspired by Mito Komon(Shogun). Junmai Daiginjo was purchased by many Chinese visitors.


Being famous for its plum blossoms, they also make a variety of plum wine. There are even some with the pulp jellied into it. The one with the fruits in it is said to be especially popular among Taiwanese people.


Imojochu (potato shochu) is also made from dried or baked potatoes. And we have everything from buckwheat shochu to chestnut shochu, a specialty of Kasama. So distillation is their specialty. Therefore, they are also making “Japanese gin” without missing out on craft gin.


After Covid19, the Japanese made it as soon as the rules were changed by the Sake Brewers Association and alcohol disinfectants became available. In this way, when you look at our lineup, you can see that they are always keeping up with current trends. Now they are selling plum wine on YouTube to go along with the anime cartoon

#fermentationsommelier #Mito #fermentation #Cafe #plumwine

The museum also has old tools and seems to be able to demonstrate what kind of tools were used from the Edo period to the modernization.


We bought some souvenirs and left the Besshunkan.


#fermentationsommelier #Mito #fermentation #Cafe #plumwine

Plum wine different taste










 #水戸 #梅酒 #発酵ソムリエ #訪日外国人 #発酵カフェ


A little further down the street is the Komehana Cafe. The Komehana Cafe in Kojiya in Ota Ward has closed, but I was interested in a cafe with the same name.


That café was opened with a wall design of Koji. It only has magazines about fermentation. And it says that the owner is a first-class certified miso maker.


It was café time, so I had a set of dark cherry cheesecake and a café latte. I thought it made sense, since cheese and coffee are both fermented foods. However, it is currently operated alternately as a fermentation-related Koji café, or a café under a different owner.


Too bad…


Returning to the station, we were able to visit the Koudoukan, which we had tried to visit several times but had been unable to do so. It was a memorable tour of the Mito Fermentation Tour for me to see the ingenuity of the people of Mito, following the example of Nariaki Tokugawa, who built the Kodokan.


#fermentationsommelier #Mito #fermentation #Cafe #plumwine

Cheese cake and cafe latte...