こんにちは、皆さん!今日はおうちで手作りキムチの作り方をご紹介します。そのユネスコ無形文化遺産でもあるキムチ屋さんがやっているのが「Oh 発酵」です。
材料 – 白菜 1個 – 塩 1/4カップ – 大根 1本
– 韓国唐辛子粉 2〜3大さじ
– にんにく 5枚(みじん切り)
– しょうが 1枚(みじん切り)
– 醤油 2大さじ
– 砂糖1大さじ
– 魚醤(ナムル) 1大さじ
- **密閉容器の検討** – 壺や漬物用のプラスチック容器、ガラス容器など、密閉性のある容器を選びます。2. **キムチの詰め込み** – 漬け込んだキムチをきれいな密閉容器
3. **キムチを圧縮** – キムチを容器に詰めたら、押し込んで圧縮します。
4. **液体の追加** – キムチが完全に液体に浸かるように、必要に応じて塩水を加えます。
5. **蓋をして密封します** – 密閉容器の蓋をしっかりと密封します。これにより外部の空気や雑菌を遮断し、キムチ6. **冷蔵庫で保存** – 密閉容器を冷蔵庫に保存します。キムチは低温で保存することで鮮度をより見やすくなります。
#発酵ソムリエ #お買い物 #飯能 #フェミー #キムチ
Fermentation Sommelier] Starting with Kimchi… Fermentation
Starting with Kimchi… Fermentation Restaurant Facility
Hello everyone! Today I would like to show you how to make homemade kimchi at home. Oh Fermentation is a kimchi restaurant that is also a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Site.
Kimchi is one of the most typical Korean dishes, and making it yourself will double its deliciousness!
How to make
Ingredients – 1 Chinese cabbage – 1/4 cup salt – 1 radish
– 2 to 3 tablespoons Korean chili powder
– 5 garlic cloves, minced
– 1 ginger, minced
– 2 tablespoons soy sauce
– 1 Tbsp sugar
– 1 Tbsp fish sauce (namul)
It is important to pickle the Chinese cabbage evenly, separating the leaves of the cabbage, rather than sandwiching them one by one.
Care should also be taken when storing, especially if using a jar, the following steps are helpful.
**Consider an airtight container** – Choose an airtight container such as a jar, plastic container for pickles, or glass container.
2. **Compress kimchi** – Place pickled kimchi in a clean, airtight container
3. **Compress Kimchi** – Once the kimchi is packed in the container, press it in to compress.
4. **Add liquid** – add salt water as needed to ensure kimchi is completely submerged in liquid
5. **Seal with lid** – Seal the lid of the airtight container tightly. This will keep outside air and bacteria out of the kimchi 6. **Store in the refrigerator** – Store the airtight container in the refrigerator. Kimchi can be stored at lower temperatures to better see its freshness.
Duration of storage at a time:.
Generally, kimchi can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 weeks to 1 month. It may be eaten after that, but the flavor may change.
This workshop is conducted by the Hanno company of “OH! Fermentation”. We also visited this restaurant and had a gorgeous course meal.
The appetizer was a salad with prosciutto ham dipped in salt kouji. A trout dish called Itadakimasu(Japanese playing with words). Wood-broiled chicken, pickles, aged brown rice, miso soup, and coffee followed.
followed by pickles, aged brown rice, miso soup, and coffee.
#FermentationSommelier #Shopping #Hanno #Femmy #Kimchi