



 有限会社今野醸造 吟醸 宮城県 こいくちしょうゆ

株式会社佐藤麴味噌醤油店 ヤマシゲ本醸造 宮城県 こいくちしょうゆ

福島県醤油醸造協同組合 香味しょうゆ 福島県 こいくちしょうゆ

川中醤油株式会社 濃口 宝 広島県 こいくちしょうゆ

合資会社山形屋商店 ヤマブンうすくち醤油

福島県 うすくちしょうゆ


ホームページ(醤油情報センター)↓ ↓ ↓

しょうゆ情報センター (soysauce.or.jp)



うすくちは、卵かけご飯にぴったり! 色をきれいに残すことができます。




宝醤油 濃い口、煮物にぴったり 広島の学校給食で使われています。





卵は、米だけ食べさせた鶏の卵は、黄身が真っ白! 北海道の卵です。



TKGを知り尽くす「日本たまごかけごはん研究所」が教える、究極の卵かけご飯の作り方【準備編】 – メシ通 | ホットペッパーグルメ (hotpepper.jp)

#しょうゆの日 #発酵ソムリエ #農林水産大臣賞 #卵かけご飯 #安住紳一郎

#しょうゆの日 #発酵ソムリエ #農林水産大臣賞 #卵かけご飯 #安住紳一郎


#しょうゆの日 #発酵ソムリエ #農林水産大臣賞 #卵かけご飯 #安住紳一郎














吟醸は、杜氏のように手加減で。本醸造物本来の味とふくよかな香りとまろやかに口の中に広がる旨味が特長です。有限会社今野醸造 吟醸です。



 #しょうゆの日 #発酵ソムリエ #農林水産大臣賞 #卵かけご飯 #安住紳一郎


#しょうゆの日 #発酵ソムリエ #農林水産大臣賞 #卵かけご飯 #安住紳一郎


因みにこの会合は、ロイヤルパークホテルで行われました。立食よりもコロナ架で安全な円卓を囲み、コースで和食をいただきました。卵かけご飯を締めに。このテーブルでは、運よく代表の正田 隆理事のお隣でした。同じテーブルには木桶を復活させたことで有名なヤマロク醬油株式会社の代表、山本康夫氏がいらっしゃったので、会話が膨らみました。



↓ ↓ ↓

ヤマロク醤油 (yama-roku.net)







 #しょうゆの日 #発酵ソムリエ #農林水産大臣賞 #卵かけご飯 #安住紳一郎

#しょうゆの日 #発酵ソムリエ #農林水産大臣賞 #卵かけご飯 #安住紳一郎


#しょうゆの日 #発酵ソムリエ #農林水産大臣賞 #卵かけご飯 #安住紳一郎


I was invited to the Soy Sauce Association’s Soy Sauce Day Gathering.

Imano Brewery Ltd.
Yamashige Honjozo Soy Sauce – Miyagi Prefecture – Koikuchi Soy Sauce
Fukushima Soy Sauce Brewers Cooperative Association – Koukoukuchi Soy Sauce – Fukushima
Kawanaka Soy Sauce Co.
Yamagataya Shoten Limited Partnership Yamabun Usukuchi Soy Sauce
Fukushima Prefecture Smoked Soy Sauce

These five were awarded this year’s Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Prize.
The trilogy was led by Mr. Mantaro Takahashi, President of Shokunin Soy Sauce
Mr. Takashi Ueno of the Japan Tamagokake Gohan Research Institute
Mr. Tetsuya Onishi, Cooking Entertainer.

This year’s panel discussion was: What goes perfectly with raw egg on rice? The question was: What goes best with rice over raw egg?
Usukuchi is perfect for raw egg over rice! It retains its color beautifully.

Aromatic soy sauce has a strong aroma, so it loses the aroma that has been added to the egg.

Takara Soy Sauce – Dark, perfect for simmered dishes. Used in school lunches in Hiroshima.

Ginjo-Yamashige…so it is likely to have alcohol added.

I didn’t know there were so many kinds of eggs. For example, rice glossy…very beautiful white yolk. White yolk…in other words, albino eggs?
Eggs from hens fed only rice have pure white yolks! These eggs are from Hokkaido.

Yuzu eggs from Kochi have a yuzu aroma, so a non-scented soy sauce is good…. In other words, salt is good.

They say that many ramen shops are among those supporting wooden-keg related soy sauce.

#Fermentationsommelier #soysauce #woodenkeg #rawegg #Japanesesoy

#Fermentationsommelier #soysauce #woodenkeg #rawegg #Japanesesoy

They are talking about marriage taste raw egg and soy sauce.

#Fermentationsommelier #soysauce #woodenkeg #rawegg #Japanesesoy

Every prefecture has different taste soy sauce. You can enjoy them!

Ramen shops are supposed to want the odd soy sauce.

Vintage Yamazaki Japanese whiskey is very popular. But, the secrets of blend is hinted  by blenders… with a bit of stuff from a failed barrel. It is similar to that story.

By the way, we received information about adding MCT oil, salt, wasabi, salt and pepper for the perfect raw egg rice.

Egg rice eating is more suitable for being slim than white rice eating – he said.

Sendai Yamashige Soy Sauce is made using the hot water fire-roasting method. The soy sauce is slowly heated in a double kettle, and the taste is carefully made so as not to bully the soy sauce, making it perfect for sashimi and other dipping sauces. Dark, treasured. The color, aroma, and clarity are superb.

Ginjo is made by hand, just like a toji (blender). It is characterized by the original taste of the honjozo product, a full aroma, and a mellow, mouth-filling flavor. This is a Ginjo from Imano Brewery Ltd.

Fukushima Soy Sauce Brewing Cooperative’s “Aromatic Soy Sauce” is the preferred mixed soy sauce in Fukushima Prefecture. Japan’s first cooperative factory for raw-age soy sauce has tried and pursued the fire-working process, and the soy sauce has a clean and long-lasting aroma.

In case you might be wondering, this meeting could be held at the Royal Park Hotel. We had a Japanese meal with a course around a round table, which was safer with corona racks than a standing table. Eggs and rice to top it off. At this table, I was fortunate to be next to the representative of the board, Takashi Shoda. At the same table was Mr. Yasuo Yamamoto, the representative of Yamaroku Soy Sauce Co., Ltd. famous for reviving the wooden vats, which made for great conversation.

Director Mr. Shoda was able to talk about the origins of Shoda Soy Sauce, which I had heard about during that fieldwork in Tatebayashi, as well as the wheat situation, history, and fermentation restaurants, as the surname Shoda implies. I had heard that Yamaroku Soy Sauce was in decline because there was no one to weave the bamboo band for  barrels, but I learned that the soy sauce shop was the only place where wooden barrels were used for sake and miso, and where wooden barrels were really disappearing. Surprisingly, the theory that in the Kamakura period, a monk named Kakushin went to China and received miso and returned to Wakayama where the mash from the miso became soy sauce was only one of the theories, and the soy sauce association seems to have adopted a much older theory (since sake is much older).

Then announcer Mr. Shinichiro Azumi, the soy sauce ambassador, took the stage. We were also able to take a group photo with him.

It was a “fun day” that seemed to bring a moment of light in the midst of the depressing days over the corona.
We will continue our fieldwork on fermented foods, including soy sauce.
Should you have any questions, could you please contact us.

#Fermentationsommelier #soysauce #woodenkeg #rawegg #Japanesesoy

#Fermentationsommelier #soysauce #woodenkeg #rawegg #Japanesesoy
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